Mam (Maya mythology)
Mam 'Grandfather' is a term of respect referring to several aged Maya deities.
- (i) In Kekchi-speaking British Honduras (Belize), 'Mam' is a general designation for the mountain spirits; four Mams were specifically associated with the four corners of the earth.[1]
- (ii) In the Kekchi-speaking Alta Verapaz of Guatemala, one of the Mams is a greatly feared mountain spirit associated with earthquakes and inundations. An image of this Mam was apparently buried in the Holy Week.[2]
- (iii) Among the Huaxtec Mayas, the Mams or Mamlabs are earth deities; there are three or four of them, the most important one (Muxi') being the violent originator of the rainy season.
- (iv) Among the Tzutujil Mayas of Santiago Atitlán, the Mam Maximón is a deity of merchants and travellers and of witchcraft. Assimilated to Judas, he is especially venerated during the last days of the Holy Week, and discarded afterwards.
- (v) In 16th-century Yucatán, 'Mam' was also the designation of a straw puppet set up and venerated during the five unlucky days (Uayeb) at the end of the year (Cogolludo), when witchcraft was thought to be prevalent; at the conclusion of this period, the straw figure was discarded.[3]
The Mayanist J.E.S. Thompson referred to Mam (ii) as 'the evil Mam' and believed the Mams (ii), (iv) and (v) to represent the same deity.[4] The Mams are likely to have their counterparts in the small Classic Maya group of aged deities consisting of God D (Itzamna), the various representatives of God N (Bacab), and God L.
- ^ Thompson 1970: 349-350
- ^ Thompson 1970: 299
- ^ Tozzer 1941; Thompson 1970: 297-300
- ^ Thompson 1970: 297-300
- Thompson, Maya History and Religion 1970.
- Tozzer, Landa's Relación 1941.